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Changing the World, One Missionary at a Time
Leland, Naomi, Lincoln, and Lauren Johnson
West Indies Field Director & Deputation Director


Enlisting New Missionaries
The number of missionaries surrendering to the field continues to plummet across the USA. Recruiting more laborers must be a priority.

Expediting Deputation
40% of missionaries who begin deputation never reach the field. Every church should invest in seeing surrendered people succeed.

Establishing New Churches
With almost 17 years in the pastorate and as missionaries, we help missionaries reach the field and establish strong, local NT churches.
West Indies

Why the West Indies?

By the numbers...
31 countries and territories
140 inhabited islands
44,000,000+ people
9 countries/territories
have only 1 missionary*
13 countries/territories
have no missionaries at all*
*according to statistics compiled from the 14 major independent Baptist missions agencies.
Getting to Know Us...
Click anywhere below to visit the "Our History" page to learn more.
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